Tim: Famous on the Interblag, Part II

Another post!, this time about the campaign rally we had at George Mason University in Fairfax, which was BTW pretty frickin’ awesome. When HRC webmail comes back online, I’ll post the picture of me standing directly between Governor Kaine and former Governor slash rockstar Mark Warner. 😀 😀 😀

I’m posting from the Barney Bus — from which we have made more than 10,500 calls today — right now, typing in between calls. The autodialer leaves a recorded message when answering machines pick up, and they had me record the message for tomorrow’s push. My name and voice are about to be on Democratic answering machines all across Fairfax County! :OOO Famous on the Interblag and the ansaphone! Ahh, my friends. The campaign life is a good life.

Though it’s one that’ll be over soon — polls will open in less than ten hours’ time! Exciting? Oh yes. Virginia! Show me what you can do! (<^_^)V

One Response to Tim: Famous on the Interblag, Part II

  1. baryonic says:


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